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Earthquake New Jersey

**Tremor Strikes New Jersey: Rare Earthquake Shakes Northeast** **Yesterday**, a 4.8-magnitude earthquake jolted the East Coast of the United States, with its epicenter near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. The temblor, which occurred on Friday morning, was felt across the region, including New York City and Philadelphia. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), only 24 earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 or greater have occurred in New Jersey since 1700, making this event a relatively rare occurrence. The quake caused no reported injuries or damage, but it served as a reminder of the seismic potential of the Northeast. While earthquakes in the region are infrequent, they can still pose a risk, especially to older buildings and infrastructure. Seismologists are still studying the data from the earthquake to determine its exact cause. However, they believe it originated in a fault zone in the Appalachian Mountains, which run through New Jersey. Residents in affected areas are advised to stay informed about potential aftershocks and to be prepared for any necessary emergency actions. While the risk of a major earthquake in the Northeast is low, it is always important to be aware of potential hazards and to have a plan in place for emergencies.
